Jack Russell terrier - traducción al ruso
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Jack Russell terrier - traducción al ruso

Jack Russell terrier; Russell Terrier; Australian Jack Russell Terrier; Jack Russel Terrier; Puddin Jack; Jack Terrier; Atlas Terrier; Atlas terriers; Jackahuahua; Shorty Jack Russell Terrier; Jack Russels; Irish Jack Russell Terrier; English Jack Russell Terrier
  • An example of a broken coated Jack Russell terrier
  • Jack Russell running
  • Jack Russell terriers have a high energy level.
  • An example of a rough-coated Jack Russell terrier

Jack Russell terrier         


общая лексика

терьер Джека Расселла (порода охотничьих собак; шерсть густая, жёсткая; окрас белый с жёлтыми отметинами; высота ок. 35 см)

выведена Дж.Расселлом в середине 19 в.

Parson Jack Russell terrier         
  • A judge spanning a Parson Russell Terrier.
  • John "Jack" Russell]], dog breed developer and namesake of this and other white [[terrier]]s.
  • A broken coated Parson Russell Terrier



Jack Russell terrier

Yorkshire terrier         
  • A painting from the 19th century depicting a Yorkshire-like terrier by [[Ernest Gustave Girardot]]
  • The Yorkshire Terrier character is described as "conveying an important air". According to the standard, the dog's high head carriage and confident manner should give the appearance of vigor and self-importance.
  • 1870}})
  • A Morkie (half Maltese, half Yorkshire Terrier) puppy with his deciduous teeth and adult teeth growing in
  • carriers]] of the recessive [[Piebald]] gene.<ref>UCDAVIS Veterinary Medicin: ''[https://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/services/dog/GeneticDiversityInBiewer.php Genetic Diversity Testing for Biewer]''</ref><ref>Club for Terrier 1984: ''[https://www.vgl.ucdavis.edu/services/dog/images/BiewerSchneeflockchenRegistration.jpg Pedigree Schneeflöckchen von Friedheck]''</ref><ref>''[http://ingrus.net/biewer/en/details.php?id=379 Pedigree with Photos]''</ref>
  • Tracheal collapse
  • A Yorkshire Terrier puppy, displaying a black and tan coat
  • A Yorkshire Terrier's retained deciduous or baby fangs
  • A Yorkshire Terrier after a day at the groomer
  • A Yorkshire Terrier from 1915
  • A Yorkshire terrier being exhibited at a show


общая лексика

йоркширский терьер (порода комнатных собак с длинной шелковистой шерстью; окрас синевато-стальной или рыжевато-коричневый; высота 18-20 см)

йоркширский терьер (порода собак)


(Kerouac) Джек (1922-69) , американский писатель. Лидер "разбитого поколения"; романы "На дороге" (1957) и "Бродяги Дхармы" (1958) отразили формирование контркультуры в США и увлечение дзэн-буддизмом (см. Дзэн). Автобиографический роман "Биг Сур" (1962) о кризисе движения.


Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small terrier that has its origins in fox hunting in England. It is principally white-bodied and smooth, rough or broken-coated and can be any colour.

Small tan and white terriers that technically belong to other breeds are sometimes known erroneously as "Jack Russells". Each breed has different physical characteristics according to the standards of their national breed clubs; size and proportions are often used to tell them apart. Some authorities recognize a similar but separate breed as the Russell Terrier – a shorter-legged, stockier dog, with a range of 20–30 cm (8–12 in). However, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) regards the Russell terrier as a sub-type of Jack Russell terrier. Jack Russells are also frequently confused with the Parson Russell Terrier. Technically, the Parson Russell is usually larger and officially limited to a middle range, with a standard size of 30–36 cm (12–14 in), whereas the Jack Russell is a broader type, with a size range of 25–38 cm (10–15 in).

Jack Russells are an energetic breed that rely on a high level of exercise and stimulation. They are relatively free from any serious health complaints. Originating from dogs bred and used by the Rev. John Russell in the early 19th century, from whom the breed takes its name, the Jack Russell has similar origins to the modern Fox Terrier. It has gone through several changes over the years, corresponding to different use and breed standards set by kennel clubs. Recognition by kennel clubs for the Jack Russell breed has been opposed by the breed's parent societies – which resulted in the breeding and recognition of the Parson Russell terrier. Jack Russells have appeared many times in film, television, and print – with several historical dogs of note.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Jack Russell terrier
1. This is a Jack Russell terrier.
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Ejemplos de uso de Jack Russell terrier
1. Another good moment on her return was the reunion with Gorby, her Jack Russell terrier.
2. And she seemed to take comfort in Leipold‘s other dogs, a Jack Russell terrier and a Great Dane.
3. Williams was joined by her husband, Michael, her mother and sister, and Gorby, her Jack Russell Terrier.
4. Wayne Allard (R–Colo.), a veterinarian by training, joined a cocker spaniel, a Jack Russell terrier, a golden retriever and other dogs at a news conference.
5. I myself have a Jack Russell Terrier and he was involved yesterday in an unprovoked attack from a pitbull terrier who went straight for his throat.